Crna hronika

Navijač Liverpoola poginuo prelazeći autoput u Italiji

Pedesetjednogodišnji Irac, koji je kao navijač Liverpoola doputovao u Italiju, poginuo je u ponedjeljak navečer dok je prelazio A4 autoput blizu aerodroma u Bergamu, javljaju italijanski mediji.Navijač je stigao iz Irske kako bi bodrio Liverpool u večerašnjoj utakmici Redsa protiv Milana. Mediji navode da je pokušavao preći autoput blizu aerodroma u Bergamu, kada ga je udario automobil.Il Corriere della Sera piše da je u njegovom džepu pronađena ulaznica za utakmicu, koja se igra na stadionu San Siro.Navodno, autoput je pokušao preći kako bi došao do NH Hotela u kojem je trebao prespavati. S njim su u Italiju doputovale još dvije osobe, koje nisu zatečene na mjestu nesreće.

One Comment

  1. hi
    Compliment of the day

    I am writing to inform you of recent developments that may impact our ongoing operations. On the October 28, 2024, global news outlets have reported that Israel has enacted laws restricting the operations of UNRWA, the UN Aid Agency, which serves as a vital lifeline for Gaza. Consequently, this necessitates the cessation of our official activities in the region.

    In light of these circumstances, my colleagues and I have a critical matter that requires your confidentiality. We currently have access to a remaining balance of $10.3 million, which was part of an overdraft withdrawn on Friday, October 25, 2024. Due to the recent ban on our organization, we have safeguarded these funds and unanimously agreed to approach you for support in utilizing this amount for long-term investment opportunities in your country.

    I would like to assure you that the process to access these funds is 100% legitimate and will be conducted strictly through bank-to-bank wire transfers.

    We deeply appreciate your discretion regarding this matter and hope to discuss this opportunity with you at your earliest convenience if you express your interest.

    Thank you for your understanding and support.

    Best regards,
    Scott Anderson


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